56. It was in 1930
that Loga first met James Jones and Kevin. They were both working at the Finnish site of operations exporting pit props to Wales. J. O. Jeffrey Company Limited was not involved in any cutting whatsoever because they were merely acting as the agents for Iestyn and Morgan Ltd. When Loga and her father approached their office she mesmerised both of them by her beauty. When she started talking to James Jones in fluent English enquiring how the work was going, it was the start of their relationship. Kevin was virtually ignored by Loga as James took her over for a hot meal and a drink. He couldn't take his eyes off her and she enjoyed his attentions very much. Her father in the meantime was busy talking with Kevin about his plans for developing similar wood cutting and exporting operation on his estates.
Loga suffered from a brutal father. Her childhood had been a very unhappy one. Her own father and his friends had abused her when she was only 12 years old. She had witnessed killings in her own home but had been unable to do anything about it. She suffered from fits of depression and uncontrollable tempers. On top of which she had been spoilt by material possessions. She had become a selfish, greedy person. She was now so used to getting her own way that she had learned to become quite ruthless in her dealings with other people. She was a turbulent, merciless beauty in her own right.
Loga saw the woods operation as a possible means of escape from her deep unhappiness. She would like to have James and Kevin all to herself. She thought they were both very handsome with their dark brown hair and blue eyes they were unlike any men she had ever met before in her cloistered existence. She had often told her father that she would like to travel to England. Maybe this was the
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