Port Hope Simpson wild bay

historical fiction based on year as vso volunteer in Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada 1969-70 and coming back out to The Town of Port Hope Simpson's Coming Home Celebrations in July 2002; also based on holiday travels; Richard ap Meurig's sense of purpose, peace, quietness,returning to awe-inspiring wilderness of The Labrador, spiritual retreat & renewal...http://porthopesimpson.blogspot.com/

Monday, July 19, 2004

65. had been fortuitous for Richard

who had needed the time to fully digest the latest mass of information from his friend and Cpl. Dawson.
Dawson had explained to him that Chantelle McCarthy's story could have been more accurate in its detail. But he had allowed her the benefit of doubt due to her age.
Roseanne her daughter, had been conceived on the night of the murder. Roseanne was the daughter of Kris Orlowski and Chantelle. D.N.A. testing had revealed that fact.
Chantelle for her own reasons had wanted it to appear that Mr. John Jones Jeffrey was the father of her child. Roseanne mistakenly in her turn had led Shanolla to believe that she was the grand-daughter of Mr. Jeffrey.
Loga and Quigley took off on 8th November 1940 leaving Luke on Liam and Grace Dawson's doorstep. Loga had been found at the precise location that Ap Meurig had given them. She had been hiding in Saskatchewan all these years and had seemed quite pleased that she had been found. Her statement said Dawson revealed that on the afternoon of his murder she had also had sex with Jeffrey in Quigley’s house when Quigley had left to check on final preparations with Sam Gray.
She had given him the impression that she was a most pathetic, unhappy old woman who was full of self–pity said Dawson. He said that he actually had to stop himself from feeling sorry for her. Loga never re-married again. She had denied all knowledge and involvement in Jeffrey’s death. Her statement said Dawson, was full of contradictions and riddled with holes as she had tried to explain the anguish she had felt at the deaths of her husband and only child. She never made any mention of Luke nor Leon nor did she show any