Port Hope Simpson wild bay

historical fiction based on year as vso volunteer in Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada 1969-70 and coming back out to The Town of Port Hope Simpson's Coming Home Celebrations in July 2002; also based on holiday travels; Richard ap Meurig's sense of purpose, peace, quietness,returning to awe-inspiring wilderness of The Labrador, spiritual retreat & renewal...http://porthopesimpson.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

3. The peace and quietness of Wild Bay in the early morning as the water lapped and sparkled against the shoreline was truly a medicine for Richard

ap Meurig.
The total ambience of the surroundings had a stillness that spread over him as his thoughts wondered from the past to the present. He mused to himself. Is all this really happening? Am I actually walking the same shoreline after a 33-year absence from this community? So much of the physical aspect has improved and the warm-hearted, hospitable, sincere people still share their homes and lives with outsiders who visit.
Richard had come out all those years ago to work in Wild Bay as a young, 18 year-old Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) teacher. Unknowingly, his background in Wales had prepared him for an adventure from 1969 to 1970 that was to play such a captivating part in his future life.
Does life give us a destiny or do we make our own he pondered? Why do things happen as they do?
(An interesting fact is that Richard’s name is the same as that of a Welsh merchant in Bristol, England who had appeared in a Customs roll a very long time ago as an "ap Meryke." He was supposed to have been the heaviest investor in John Cabot's expedition to America in 1498. It is, therefore, very probable that America had its name from the Bristolian version of this man's name, Richard Ameryk.)